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Best Big Brother Season No Spoilers

Big Brother Spoilers Latest Results Updates Big Brother Network. Big Brotherspoilers from inside the Big Brother 1. Houseguests compete for control and safety on their way to a half million dollar prize. Want the latest spoilers from BB1. Check our quick reference spoilers board here. Julie Chen has Big Brother spoilers to share Source CBSEach week fans discover who won Head of Household, was sent to the chopping block with nominations, secured the Power of Veto, and was evicted from the Big Brother house. Thanks to the unique access to the game between episodes using the Live Feeds on CBS All Access were able to find spoilers for all the big events inside the house. The next round of Big Brother spoilers begin with the Big Brother 1. June 2. 8, 2. 01. BB fun. Weekly events and competitions in the Big Brother house tend to follow a general schedule and can help guide your expectations for the next installments of spoilers throughout the season. Head of Household Spoilers Each Thursday night we expect to find out who won Head of Househld Ho. H and will be making that weeks nominations. Best Big Brother Season No Spoilers StarBest Big Brother Season No SpoilersBest Big Brother Season No SpoilersResults are often part of Thursday nights live show, but sometimes these spill over in to an endurance competition or late night Ho. H comp. Read the latest Ho. H spoilers. The Head of Household will put two Big Brother players on the block for eviction, but they usually are not allowed to explicitly state who is going up. We can watch the Ho. Join the TV conversation about Big Brother 19. Get the latest news and photos, post comments, play games, take our personality quizzes and more. Big Brother spoilers from inside the Big Brother 18 house reveal the latest results and updates and Houseguests compete for control and safety on their way to a. Big Brother Videos Season 18 videos and clipsBest Big Brother Season No Spoilers DaysH talk with HGs and get a strong idea of who will be nominated, but nothing is official until the ceremony is over. Read the latest nomination spoilers. The Ho. H, two noms, and three other selected HGs will compete for the chance to Veto one of the nominees, but theres no guarantee itll be used. These competitions are often held on Saturday afternoons and have sometimes lasted many hours. The winner of the Po. V will announce his or her decision at the Power of Veto Ceremony which we expect on Monday afternoons. This gives a full day to debate use of the Veto and hear from the involved players on what incentives may be offered up as motivation. If the Veto is used then the Ho. H will need to name a new nominee renom. Well have our final nominations of the week following the Power of Veto Ceremony. Read the latest Po. V spoilers. Neither the Ho. H nor the nominees may vote. The other Houseguests go inside the Diary Room for a private vote where theyll reveal their decision to host Julie Chen. Julie will leave announce the houses decision and the player with the most votes against him or her will be immediately sent out of the house. Watch Viking Legacy Online Free 2016. Be sure to join us on Facebook, Twitter, by Email Updates so you get all the latest news. Continue reading more Big Brother spoilers. Big Brother 1. 8 Spoilers Extreme Bullying of Bridgette on BB1. Covered Up Is CBS Editing to Protect Mean Girl Houseguests Big Brother 1. Bridgette being on the chopping block may not be the worst ordeal shes suffering in the BB1. Bridgette has been subjected to some shocking bullying at the hands of mean girls in the house, yet none of this has made it into any of the Big Brother 1. Whats up with this Is CBS selectively editing to whitewash the awful behavior of the other houseguests A Reddit feed devoted to chronicling what looks like systematic torment, belittling and bullying of Bridgette at the hands of many BB1. The feed spills all the evidence of bullying including dates and times. Heres a look at some of the outrageous behavior against Bridgette. Michelles jealousy fuels attacks on Bridgette. Michelle had a major crush on Frank so big that shes still talking about it even though hes been gone for days. Franks friendship with Bridgette was what inspired Michelle to lash out at Bridgette at every opportunity. Michelle spoke to the cameras and said viewers should call Bridgettes employer and ask them to fire her. Michelle said Bridgette should never work as a nurse again thats not game play thats life wrecking meanness. Mean girls throw out food Bridgette makes. Bridgette spends a lot of time baking its her thing. But it turns out Michelle and Zakiyah have been throwing out batches of cookies Bridgette made for everyone in the house. Nicole mentioned that Big Brother might do a montage of them throwing out her food and Michelle and Zakiyah discussed that BB1. FYI BB1. 8 fans on Twitter think its mean. Zakiyah steals Bridgetts birthday cake When houseguests have a birthday, Big Brother leaves a cake mix in the pantry. On Zakiyahs birthday, Bridgette was nice enough to include Z in the Outback dinner she won plus Zakiyah got a cake and celebration in the house. But then on Bridgettes birthday, Zakiyah stole her cake mix and made a cake for her stuffed giraffe toy then lied to Bridgettes face about it. To make this insult worse, Big Brother did a special video hosted by Jeff Schroeder on the cute birthday party for the stuffed animal and completely ignored that Bridgettes birthday was robbed from her Outright shunning. Michelle, Zakiyah, Nicole and others have made it a consistent practice to walk out of a room when Bridgette walks into the room. They stop talking, they deliberately turn their faces and bodies away from her. Plus, when anyone is kind to Bridgette or even dares speak to her, the girls lash out at them like when Paulie offered to wrap Bridgettes sore ankle before a competition. The constant name calling. The roster of names the mean girls and Paul call Bridgette is shocking and its ongoing. Some of the names and insults they sling about Bridgette include fake, sneaky, sly, fake, dishonest, jealous, two faced, emotionless, little tramp, psycho abch and so much more. To her face, Paul called her narcissistic, egotistical and snooty. The harassment just goes on. Threats of physical violence. Granted its been just talk so far, but it seems like Big Brother should intervene and tell the HGs that they cant threaten Bridgette and perhaps they have and we just havent seen it. After Bridgette injured her ankle in a comp, Zakiyah said she was going to hurt her and knock her other ankle out of place. Paul said he wanted to punch Bridgette in the face and Zakiyah told Paulie she wants to hit her. Ignoring Bridgettes pleas for them to stop. Bridgette experiences the bullying in her face and also hears what happens behind her back from others. But when she tried to talk to the girls about the harsh treatment, Natalie told Bridgette she must have done something to cause it. Zakiyah told her its all in her head. Essentially, the girls tried to brainwash Bridgette into believing that these events didnt happen by rewriting history. Will Bridgette have to endure more awfulness in BB1. With all of this going on in the BB1. But with NO cameras or live feeds in the jury house, will Bridgette be subjected to even more rampant cruelty after BB1. The mean girls might feel like they can do and say what they want to Bridgette with no devices to document their awful behavior. Is this Big Brother business as usual or something worse What do you think Big Brother fans Is this the usual behavior HGs engage in or has it gone too farDo you agree that Bridgette has been bullied by the girls and Paul Have they crossed a line Why is CBS editing all of this out of the network episodes The only time they showed any of this is a discussion where Michelle admitted her jealousy to Bridgette but it was chopped down significantly. Why is Big Brother excluding this bad behavior from episodes Big Brother and CBS faced backlash over racial comments by houseguests in prior seasons are they trying to avoid any negative comments by editing this behavior out Or are BB1. What is CBSs motivation for protecting those engaged in the bullyingWhat do you think about how Bridgette Dunning has been treated by Michelle Meyer, Zakiyah Everette, DaVonne Rogers, Natalie Negrotti, Nicole Franzel, and Paul Abrahamian thus far in BB1. Share your comments below and check back with CDL often for all the latest Big Brother 1. LIVE recaps of all the BB1.