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Sandy Hook Redux: Obama Officials Confirm That It Was a Drill and No Children Died. By Jim Fetzer (with Sofia Smallstorm and Paul Preston)“I have a lot of sources in regards to as to what’s going on with the president and the administration and so on, and every one of my sources said it was a false flag”- -Paul Preston. Sofia Smallstorm, who produced and directed the documentary, “Unraveling Sandy Hook”, which many regard as the best video study of the Sandy Hook event, recently interviewed a Los Angeles school expert, Paul Preston, about Sandy Hook and his knowledge of what had transpired. Governor Malloy had held a press conference that day, explaining that he and the Lt. Governor had been “spoken to” that something like this might happen, which raised the question, what “something like this”? Did he mean he had been told a school shooting massacre would take place?

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Remarkably, we now have confirmation from an unexpected source. Paul Preston had obtained information from officials in the U.

S. Department of Education of the Barack Obama administration, who confirmed to him on the basis of their own personal knowledge that: (1) it had been a drill; (2) no children had been killed; and,(3) it had been done to promote an anti- gun agenda. Given his background of 4. California public school system (from custodian to district superintendent) and having served as a teacher, coach, vice- principal and principal before retiring in 2.

I thought what he had to say about Sandy Hook deserved widespread dissemination. So when did a two- hour show on Revolution Radio, “False Flags (9/1. Sandy Hook and the Boston bombing)” on 3. May 2. 01. 4, as the third segment, I included the second 3.

Sofia’s interview with Paul Preston, which is archived on “The Real Deal” and can be heard here. Because Preston is also highly trained in school safety issues and had himself organized drills of many kinds, including active- shooter drills, what he has to say is especially telling. He has a website of his own at www. Agenda. 21. Radio. Agenda 2. 1. Transcript of 3. Sofia Smallstorm interviewing Paul Preston. Transcription by Jeannon.

S  =  Sofia Smallstrom. P = Paul Preston. S – Welcome back everyone to the Speed of Light on the Pure Momentum Network.

This is Sofia Smallstorm and we’re listening to a very interesting discussion – Paul Preston, school principal, school safety consultant, teacher, coach, and superintendent. He has been in the California system for 4. He is now retired. So Paul, let’s continue. Can we get a little bit into Sandy Hook now and what set off your antenna about it? P – Well, you know I’ve been involved in many many situations at schools that have been, you know, emergency type situations and was involved even to some degree with the Columbine situation in that we had an individual who as trying to blow up the school, our school, at the time.

In a similar fashion to what was a predicted bomb threat that occurred at Columbine thee days before the Columbine shooting, and that’s how we kind of got in touch with the Columbine people. They got in touch with us because it turned out to be a similar neo- Nazi group that was related to the Trench Coat Mafia, of all people. And so learning and watching ad seeing all these incidences play out, all these school shootings, I took an enormous interest in because we were doing a study trying to determine because the neo- Nazis we had been working with in our school along the same time of the Columbine incident were telling us that there was going to be some big event take place. And so our staff, myself, we all wanted to sit down and figure where this was all going to and we studied a lot of the Nazi websites and so on, and we figured out that yes, something big was going to happen. Well then Columbine happened.

So we watched with a lot of intensity and under with my own circumstances and also with watching the videos and replays of the other active shooter situations, I became sort of a specialist in that and applied it to my own active- shooter training that I was doing and conducting with my own people. S – Right. And now can we get in to Sandy Hook? P – Well yes. Of all the hundreds of hours that I spent watching these scenarios and investigating and reporting on them on my radio show, the first thing I noticed when I heard about Sandy Hook when I turned on the TV like everybody else …now I have always told everybody when you’re seeing these things play out in real time, the best news reporting is what’s happening in real time – that day of, you know, the moments that are around the incident. But document for yourself what’s going on because you’ll never see it again. And the first thing that caught my eye as I was watching everything play out was the lack of intensity with which people were moving and that really disturbed me. It hit me within the first few minutes, watching the video, the helicopters flying around and so on.

Things just didn’t seem to be right, like I would always understand in an incident command system. People weren’t rushing around.  People weren’t panicking.  They ran that one guy off into the woods and then they arrested him. They took him away and there was no connectedness to that. I was also wondering why all the emergency equipment wasn’t around the school.

And I didn’t see any students either and that really bothered me. S – So, it was almost like too slow motion for a real event. Not enough panic.

Not enough chaos. You had mentioned chaos earlier being a part of these real situations. And a lot of support people rushing around like press and police but not running fast enough, not running with intensity and alarm and panic and concern, I think. P – None of that was there. S – Yes.  So all right, and then what did you start thinking?

P – Well, just within the first 1. I know about staging these things since I’ve staged a number of them. Watch Ritter Rost - Eisenhart Und Voll Verbeult Download more. And, like I said, then you stage something there’s a complete lack of intensity as you would have in a real scenario when there’s panic really taking hold of people and they’re really afraid and they’re screaming and yelling and so on. But the one thing that really bothered me was where were the kids. You know they had how many hundreds of kids there at the school.

I didn’t see them. S – Right. P – And there was lack of accounting for them. And right away – and I’ll juxtaposition this with the situation that happened in Pennsylvania. You saw the kids right away.