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Watch El Cartel Online Free 2016

El Chapo Speaks - Rolling Stone. Disclosure: Some names have had
 to be changed, locations not named, and an understanding was brokered with the subject that this piece would be submitted for the subject’s approval before publication. The subject did not ask for any changes."The laws of conscience, which we pretend to be derived from nature, proceed from custom." —Montaigne. It's September 2. My head is swimming, labeling Trac. Phones (burners), one per contact, one per day, destroy, burn, buy, balancing levels of encryption, mirroring through Blackphones, anonymous e- mail addresses, unsent messages accessed in draft form.

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It's a clandestine horror show for the single most technologically illiterate man left standing. At 5. 5 years old, I've never learned to use a laptop. Do they still make laptops? No fucking idea! It's 4: 0. Another gorgeous fall day in New York City. The streets are abuzz with the lights and sirens of diplomatic movement, heads of state, U.

N. officials, Secret Service details, the NYPD. It's the week of the U. N. General Assembly. Pope Francis blazed a trail and left town two days before. I'm sitting in my room at the St.

Regis Hotel with my colleague and brother in arms, Espinoza. Espinoza and I have traveled many roads together, but none as unpredictable as the one we are now approaching. Espinoza is the owl who flies among falcons. Whether he's standing in the midst of a slum, a jungle or a battlefield, his idiosyncratic elegance, mischievous smile and self- effacing charm have a way of defusing threat. His bald head demands your attention to his twinkling eyes. He's a man fascinated and engaged.

We whisper to each other in code. Finally a respite from the cyber technology that's been sizzling my brain and soul. We sit within quietude of fortified walls that are old New York hotel construction, when walls were walls, and telephones were usable without a Ph. D. We quietly make our plans, sensitive to the paradox that also in our hotel is President Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico. Espinoza and I leave the room to get outside the hotel, breathe in the fall air and walk the five blocks to a Japanese restaurant, where we'll meet up with our colleague El Alto Garcia.

As we exit onto 5. Street, the sidewalk is lined with the armored SUVs that will transport the president of Mexico to the General Assembly. Paradoxical indeed, as one among his detail asks if I will take a selfie with him. Flash frame: myself and a six- foot, ear- pieced Mexican security operator. Flash frame: Why is this a paradox?

It's paradoxical because today's Mexico has, in effect, two presidents. And among those two presidents, it is not Peña Nieto who Espinoza and I were planning to see as we'd spoken in whispered code upstairs. It is not he who necessitated weeks of clandestine planning. Instead, it's a man of about my age, though absent any human calculus that may provide us a sense of anchored commonality.

At four years old, in '6. I was digging for imaginary treasures, unneeded, in my parents' middleclass American backyard while he was hand- drawing fantasy pesos that, if real, might be the only path for he and his family to dream beyond peasant farming.

And while I was surfing the waves of Malibu at age nine, he was already working in the marijuana and poppy fields of the remote mountains of Sinaloa, Mexico. Today, he runs the biggest international drug cartel the world has ever known, exceeding even that of Pablo Escobar. He shops and ships by some estimates more than half of all the cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine and marijuana that come into the United States. They call him El Chapo. Or "Shorty." Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera. The same El Chapo Guzman who only two months earlier had humiliated the Peña Nieto government and stunned the world with his extraordinary escape from Altiplano maximum- security prison through an impeccably engineered mile- long tunnel.

Watch two minutes of El Chapo's exclusive first- ever interview below. This would be the second prison escape of the world's most notorious drug lord, the first being 1. Puente Grande prison, where he was smuggled out under the sheets of a laundry cart. Since he joined the drug trade as a teenager, Chapo swiftly rose through the ranks, building an almost mythic reputation: First, as a cold pragmatist known to deliver a single shot to the head for any mistakes made in a shipment, and later, as he began to establish the Sinaloa cartel, as a Robin Hood- like figure who provided much- needed services in the Sinaloa mountains, funding everything from food and roads to medical relief.

By the time of his second escape from federal prison, he had become a figure entrenched in Mexican folklore. In 1. 98. 9, El Chapo dug the first subterranean passage beneath the border from Tijuana to San Diego, and pioneered the use of tunnels to transport his products and to evade capture. I will discover that his already accomplished engineers had been flown to Germany last year for three months of extensive additional training necessary to deal with the low- lying water table beneath the prison.

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A tunnel equipped with a pipe- track- guided motorcycle with an engine modified to function in the minimally oxygenized space, allowing El Chapo to drop through a hole in his cell's shower floor, into its saddle and ride to freedom. It was this president of Mexico who had agreed to see us. I take no pride in keeping secrets that may be perceived as protecting criminals, nor do I have any gloating arrogance at posing for selfies with unknowing security men. But I'm in my rhythm. Everything I say to everyone must be true. As true as it is compartmentalized.

The trust that El Chapo had extended to us was not to be fucked with. This will be the first interview El Chapo had ever granted outside an interrogation room, leaving me no precedent by which to measure the hazards. I'd seen plenty of video and graphic photography of those beheaded, exploded, dismembered or bullet- riddled innocents, activists, courageous journalists and cartel enemies alike. I was highly aware of committed DEA and other law- enforcement officers and soldiers, both Mexican and American, who had lost their lives executing the policies of the War on Drugs. The families decimated, and institutions corrupted.

El Chapo and the Secret History of the Heroin Crisis. If you wonder why America is in the grips of a heroin epidemic that kills two hundred people a week, take a hard look at the legalization of pot, which destroyed the profits of the Mexican cartels.

How did they respond to a major loss in revenue? Like any company, they created an irresistible new product and flooded the market. The scariest part: this might not have happened with El Chapo in charge. The phone rang. It was July 2.

I was in a motel room in Tucumcari, New Mexico, about to step into the shower. My wife and I were two days into a cross- country drive from our home in California, and I wanted to clean up before we went to a sports bar across the parking lot to grab something to eat. Looking at the phone, I recognized the number and felt my heart drop.

The woman was a close friend. Her twenty- three- year- old son had struggled with heroin addiction for several years. I knew the young man. He was smart, talented, funny—and charming when he wasn't high or jonesing. He was supposed to have called me that day to discuss getting back into school. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. I didn't get that call.

Watch El Cartel Online Free 2016

It was his mother on the phone, sobbing, barely able to stammer out the words that I already knew she was going to say. He's gone." That afternoon, she told me, he was walking to a treatment center that finally had a bed for him, but he stopped for one last "get well" fix. He died on the sidewalk. His mother and I were on the phone for quite a while. Mostly I listened, because what was there to say? Then I got into the shower and cried.

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I've been writing about and researching the so- called War on Drugs for more than twenty years. During that time I've been to funerals, I've sat with the families of teenage hitmen, I've explained to people why their loved ones were killed, providing information that the government would not. I've analyzed autopsy photos, trying to put names to anonymous victims. I've watched the atrocity videos.

I thought I was inured to it, hardened to insensitivity by the numbing sameness of this never- ending tragedy. I thought I was beyond tears. This one hurt. It was personal (why hadn't he called me, why the fuck hadn't he called me?), and, moreover, I knew how it had happened. It was his mother on the phone, sobbing, barely able to stammer out the words that I already knew she was going to say. He's gone."The heroin that killed him came from Mexico.

The people who grew the poppies, manufactured the drug, and shipped it north were members of Mexico's most powerful drug- trafficking organization, and the death of my friend's son came as a direct result of a business decision made by several of these men. One of them was Joaquín Guzmán Loera. The jefe of the Sinaloa Cartel, the largest drug trafficker in the world. Aka "El Chapo."Yeah, him. Guzmán and I go way back. I resist calling him El Chapo because the diminutive makes him seem like some sort of cute Disney dwarf who whistles while he works rather than the mass murderer he is.) I remember the days when young Joaquín was learning the pista secreta as an errand boy/driver for the old giants of the trade, such as Pedro Avilés Pérez and Rafael Caro Quintero. Guzmán had worked and killed his way up to the big leagues by the time he first went to prison, in 1.

While he was running his business from his suite inside Puente Grande federal prison, I was working on a book called The Power of the Dog, the first of three novels I've written about the evolution of the Mexican drug scene. I was talking to cops and convicts, drug traffickers and addicts, gangbangers and their families. I was in the prisons and on the streets, in the archives and the courts, on the border and across it. I was still working on that book when Guzmán made his first escape in 2. At the time, Mexican drug traffic was divided among several major and a dozen minor groups, the most important being the Juárez Cartel, the Tijuana Cartel, and the Gulf Cartel, with its hyperviolent armed wing, the Zetas.

When Guzmán got out of Puente Grande, he sought to control the entire Mexican drug business under the name of the Sinaloa Cartel. Over the next ten years, he went to war against the other traffickers. That war took more than a hundred thousand lives in Mexico, with more than twenty- two thousand people still "missing." It's been a catastrophe on this side of the border, too, directly causing, among other things, the recent heroin epidemic that has killed thousands, among them my friend's son.

Last summer I went on a book tour for my novel The Cartel. At every stop on that tour, I met people who had lost a loved one to drug- related violence in Mexico or to a drug overdose here in the U.

S. In Scottsdale a woman asked me if I knew anything about her best friend's murder. I did.) In Seattle a man asked if I had any information about his brother- in- law's kidnapping. I didn't.)One night was the anniversary of my friend's son's death. I called her from outside a bookstore in a Los Angeles mall and then went in to talk about the damn novel. THE POT PARADOXOkay, I'm going to say it: The heroin epidemic was caused by the legalization of marijuana.

We wanted legal weed, and for the most part, we got it. Four states have legalized it outright, others have decriminalized it, and in many jurisdictions police refuse to enforce the laws that are on the books, creating a de facto street legalization. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below.

Good news, right? Not for the Sinaloa Cartel, which by the time Colorado passed Amendment 6. Mexico. Weed was a major profit center for them, but suddenly they couldn't compete against a superior American product that also had drastically lower transportation and security costs. In Scottsdale a woman asked me if I knew anything about her best friend's murder. I did.) In Seattle a man asked if I had any information about his brother- in- law's kidnapping. I didn't.)In a single year, the cartel suffered a 4.

Mexican marijuana became an almost worthless product. They've basically stopped growing the shit: Once- vast fields in Durango now lie fallow. More good news, right? Yeah, no. Guzmán and his boys are businessmen.

They're not going to take a forty- point hit and not do something about it. They had to make up those profits somewhere.

A poster calling for help with the arrest of thirty- six Sinaloa Cartel members, with El Chapo at the top.