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A Hacker's Guide to Protecting Your Privacy While Dating. Love makes people do dumb stuff. But there are practical, easy steps we can take to maintain our privacy during romantic relationships, and changing one simple behavior now could keep us safe later on if the relationship ends badly. While plenty of the tens of thousands of hackers who descend on Las Vegas every year for the security conference DEF CON are there to break shit, lots of them are there to play defense, too. Lauren Rucker, a risk analyst who has consulted for NASA, coached attendees on maintaining their privacy rights during relationships. If you’re living with someone or in a relationship or a marriage with someone, you are giving up a lot of your privacy rights because you’re sharing a lot with that person anyway,” Rucker said. Rucker recommends several basic steps for cyber hygiene while dating: 1.

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Don’t share your passwords or devices. Staying safe in relationships requires setting new norms of behavior before the relationship turns sour, Rucker says. Many people share their Netflix or Amazon passwords with their partners, but doing so can cause legal entanglements later. Courts have sometimes viewed all passwords as equal, faulting a victim whose partner hacked her Facebook because she had shared an Amazon password with him. The court questioned whether one password could be considered private, given that she had shared other accounts, Rucker explained. If you share an i. Cloud account and you’re sharing pictures that way, you’re sharing accounts in the eyes of the court,” Rucker said.

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Sharing devices can also weaken your privacy rights if you end up in court. You don’t necessarily know how things will end and how they might go bad,” Rucker said. Password- protect your laptop and encrypt your hard drive to make sure your data is safe.

· Your shopping habits reveal even the most personal information — like when you’re going to have a baby.

If you want to allow your partner to use your laptop, set up a separate account for them rather than letting them log into yours. Set up a Google Voice number to use for first dates. Most of us have gone on dates with strangers from the internet at some point. But even if you met your date IRL, it’s a good idea to give them a Google Voice number when you start chatting, Rucker says. Google Voice lets users generate phone numbers for free and use them to set up other secure chat services like Whats. App or Signal. A user can easily turn off her Google Voice number and get a new one if her date turns out to be a creep—and she won’t have to go to the trouble of changing her real number and redistributing it to all her friends. Use a VPN on shared Wi- Fi networks, including your home network.

It’s increasingly difficult to do anything on your phone nowadays without sharing your geolocation information. Certain Snapchat filters, Facebook status updates.

Abusive spouses have been known to surveil their partners’ online activity. While spouseware–malware that sneakily harvests geolocation, texts, calls, and other information—is an issue, Rucker notes that abusive partners might also track what their significant other is doing on a shared home Wi- Fi network. Using a VPN at home can help keep browsing data private. If you’re going to make a sex tape, do it consensually and privately.

We’ve all heard stories of bitter exes leaking nude photos to get revenge on a partner. But that won’t necessarily discourage people from taking nudes. Still, couples can make decisions that will help them preserve their privacy rights down the road, Rucker explained. She cites the example of a 2. Watch How To Meet Girls From A Distance Online Full Movie here. A New Jersey court found that the man did not have a reasonable expectation of privacy in the home office because the space was shared with the family. However, other courts have said that couples have a reasonable expectation of privacy in the bedroom and protected women who have been non- consensually filmed there by their partners. Picking the proper venue can protect you, Rucker explains.

  1. Love makes people do dumb stuff. But there are practical, easy steps we can take to maintain our privacy during romantic relationships, and changing one simple.
  2. With GTA Online’s July update, Rockstar has added a new mode that seems partially inspired by Battlegrounds, some new (and REALLY expensive) skins, and a super car.

If the area is visited by multiple parties, it’s probably not a private place; it’s not going to hold up in court,” she said.

When a Friend is Grieving, Offer Specific Ways You Can Help. Around this time last year, my mom passed away.

I was in charge of planning her funeral and burial arrangements, dealing with her stuff, and pretty much all the other horrible things that you have to do when someone dies. Oh, and I live in San Francisco and my mom was in North Carolina. Literally hundreds of people offered to help me on Facebook and via text, but only two people did. The reason? Only two people made actual suggestions on what they could do to help.

Around the same time, two of my other close friends also lost parents. Like me, they experienced the same phenomenon. We all desperately needed help and support, and friends offered, but no one followed through, for the most part because we didn’t ask. Death is awful. The weeks following my mom’s death were awful. While I definitely needed the help, I didn’t have the energy or the time to coordinate with friends to handle things.

If someone had asked “Would you like a sandwich?” The answer would have most certainly been “Yes. I haven’t eaten in 2 days.” But when faced with no sandwich and a hundred people offering to help, I’m not going to text anyone and ask for food, or a ride to the funeral home, or help buying flowers. That’s weird. It’s uncomfortable. For a traditionally independent person, it feels like begging even though it’s something your friends are generically offering to do. I mean, technically I can drive myself places and find my own sandwich. Watch The Dog Who Saved Christmas Full Movie. For me, the two people that did help were a friend who offered to watch my dog while I headed east, and another superhero pal who actually took a few days off work, said she would just drive me to anything I needed her to, and managed to help me do everything from pick out flowers to deal with the funeral home. I would have never in a million years asked either of them out of the blue, but that they volunteered for those specific tasks was worth a million.

Instead of saying “Let me know if I can help!” I encourage everyone to instead offer a suggestion on exactly what they have time for. Here are some ideas: “Can I bring/buy you breakfast/lunch/dinner?”This is the easiest thing to do by far. Just offer to bring dinner over for an evening or two. It’s amazing how much there is to do and how easy it is to forget to eat while you’re dealing with it all. Make a frozen lasagna. Raid the snack aisle at Trader Joes.

If this is a close friend, you don’t even need to ask for this one. Just make/buy some stuff and coordinate a drop off or just leave it on their porch (presuming you know they’ll be home).“I’d be happy to watch your kids/dog/cat/goat while you deal with everything.” If someone has a child or a pet, then they’re going to have to figure out how to care for them while they’re also dealing with everything else. Obviously, this will vary depending on how close you are with the person. But, even suggesting you can babysit for a specific evening or two, or come over and take the dog on some walks, can be an invaluable gesture.“I’m free on Saturday. What errands do you need help with or can I drive you anywhere?”I would have never even thought to ask a friend to drive me places like the funeral home and flower shop, but wow was it helpful. It was nice to not have to handle those small things alone, and not have to be behind the wheel (which was probably dangerous).

By offering a specific time you’re free, you also give your friend the opportunity to respond with “No, but could you do this?”“I have a bunch of airline miles. Can I give you some to help pay for your ticket?”Thanks to losers who took advantage of the system, airlines don’t offer bereavement fares anymore. That means that if your friend has to travel, they’re likely buying a VERY expensive last- minute ticket. If you’re sitting on a bunch of miles from traveling for work, offer to help them snag a ticket home (or back). Funerals are insanely expensive and airline miles can help offset some of the financial blow. At the end of the day, you’re the one that knows your friend the best and what’s appropriate depends a bit on your level of friendship. However, if you truly want to help them out, make a suggestion for something you know they might need.

Whether it’s helping them take care of work or family commitments while they’re away, or just offering them lunch. If you offer something specific, they’ll be much more likely to take you up on it.