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Time To Travel – Travel Tips & Information. Survival China Travel Tips and Tricks. These China Travel Tips, Survival Techniques, will help you get around and make your trip to China easier, so you will be able to experience the real China with a little less stress.

Survival China Travel Tips and Tricks. These China Travel Tips, Survival Techniques, will help you get around and make your trip to China easier, so you will be able. Faith is Torment Julie Ronato May 17 2017 10:12 pm I love the story especially the characters played by each one of them. In particular to the Goblin himself Sir Gong Yoo and my angel.

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China is an odd beast that needs to be respected; the major cities, Beijing, Shanghai, and Xian, all have their own personalities. Some complex situations that you think would be an organizational disaster turn out to be great and you wonder afterward what all the fuss and worry was about.

Then the simplest of tasks can turn out to be a major calamity. This is when you have what we call here a “China day”. These days come and go and are part of the experience of everyday travel in China. One needs to have an open mind when travelling China. It is a place with thousands of years of history and culture that is trying overnight to adapt to Western ways of living.

You need to have a very open mind when you Travel in China. I have listed below a few China Travel Tips that will make life that wee bit more bearable on your Travel China experience.

China Travel Tips – Be Toilet Wiseo Never expect a clean toilet 1. Be prepared; Carry some tissue. You may have to use a squat toilet, again if you know this before hand it is not a shock. If you don’t know how to use a squat toilet, try the following experiment at home. While holding onto something for support with both hands, lower your body down into a low squat position, so that the cheeks of your bottom is almost touching your heels or the back of your calf. Now, let go with your hands. See if you stay in this position for at least 1 minute.

If you fall backwards or you cannot get up, then a squat toilet could be a problem for you! Practice, you will be happy you did.

If you see a clean toilet, Go. You will soon notice them as you walk around the cities.

Be warned that public areas like bus and train stations are usually what I class as “tough toilets”, however if gotta go you gotta go. Outside of the major cities, the toilet systems are old or have very narrow plumbing /pipes and get blocked easily.

In these cases a small basket is usually beside the toilet, this is for your used toilet paper. One of the best China Travel toilet Tips I can give you, is use hotel lobby toilets; these are everywhere and are always clean. Still they may not always have toilet paper.

It depends on the class of hotel that you are using. I do not wish to scare you. However, of all the China Travel Tips in all the other web sites I have read, this is a topic not often mentioned, but it is very important to us all. So outside of the major cities conditions can be tough. But most of the time everything will be fine, especially if you book a tour; everything will have been checked out before hand.

However even the best laid plans can go wrong, so be prepared, the toilets in the smaller cities, towns and villages can be scary. China Travel Tips – The Foodo The food is great and the variety is overwhelming. Most of the time you get to choose what you eat, or you can recognize what you’re eating, however sometimes you do not get a choice.

Carry a chocolate bar or something; this will keep you going until some food that you can recognize turns up. Drink bottled or boiled water, as the tap water is NOT safe to drink, this is for the whole of China.

Even boiled water, while sterilised can contain a lot of minerals and iron deposits that you probably do not want in your system. The safest bet is to drink bottle water. Tap water in most big cities is OK for brushing teeth. Eating habits – Most Chinese people have a great habit of being very noisy when they eat and lunch and dinner times can be a wonderfully noisy celebration, food tends to go in all directions, its just part of being in China.

People also smoke at the table while everyone is eating, so some restaurants get very loud and smoky. If you get stuck what to order as most of the menu’s are in Chinese just look at the table next to you and point to the dish you fancy and ask how much it is, this system works really well and know seems to mind. I have a basic menu that will help you order safe food, (no Cats or Dog) this will enable you to visit a larger selection of restaurants, not just the tourist ones with high prices. You can carry it with you and use it in the local restaurants where most will be able to serve what is on it. This way you will know what you are eating. These local places are very cheap and the food it great.

Contact me if you would like me to send it to you. China Travel Tips – Taxiso China Travel Tips- Taxis – Taxis are an experience that can have you griping the seat and gasping for breath; however you soon get used to it, after the first few rides, you’re an old hand. The taxis in Shanghai are, overall, quite good. Try to get the Blue, Blue’ish Turquoise, Gold and White taxis, these are the best.

The others are OK, just older and a rougher ride (the others also may have faulty metres). No drivers will speak English. Carry your hotel or accommodation business card with you, written in Chinese, this helps if you get lost walking around town. In all the taxis around the country you will see the drivers name and taxi registration number in plain sight.

If you have any problem, or if you think you have been over charged etc, just take this number down, make a big fuss about it, and the driver then should wake up and fix whatever problem you have. Even better is to take the receipt. This has all the trip details on it and you can ring the taxi company if you want to take things further or if you’ve left something in the taxi. The government takes rip- off drivers in all cities, Beijing and Xian especially, very seriously and if you complain they will lose their license. This is their livelihood. So far I have had not one driver in 3 years that has not backed down and we have then agreed a price for the trip or solved our problem.

In Shanghai, it is common practice for taxi fare increases after 1. However, one can usually bargain for a 2. Be strong with the taxi drivers, never- the- less, keep your cool, smile and negotiate. China Travel Tips – Shoppingo China Travel Tips – Shopping – China is a shopper’s paradise, Markets, Bargains; Top labels.

With clothes, the larger (Western) sizes can be quite hard to find, however in the major cities where you get a lot of tourist traffic, you can find them. Electrical gear, DVD’s, Cameras, stuff like this is not worth buying in China, Hong Kong is still the best place for this. Store hours in the major cities are from 1. Visa card is still the best card to carry, with ATM’s in good supply all with PLUS access etc. There is usually a surcharge for use of VISA, Master. Card or other forms of credit card. Wait on purchasing if you can, look around to get a feel for the prices.

The Chinese are VERY experienced at selling and know that we halve the opening price when bargaining. In the markets go for 2. Downton Abbey Season 3 Episode 5 Free Online more. This will give you an idea of the bottom price. The resulting end- price will probably be around 4. Whatever the market people say, they are used to pushing and haggling for best prices.

Do not worry about being too hard, they are used to it and will not sell you an item unless they make a profit. Don’t be concerned with the apparently hurt body language when you go low – it is all part of the game. As soon as they have wrapped up your first purchase, they will try to sell you something more. Remember to keep smiling and having fun while bargaining. China Travel Tips – Medical Treatment and Recordso Most hotels will have a doctor that you can see. In the major hotels English will be spoken.

Always take a small first aid kit, cold remedy, headache tablets at the very least. WATSONS is a very large chain chemist. Most of the remedies, tablets etc, that you may require should be in these shops. These shops are all over China. There is a great network of pharmacy type shops; these are indicated by a Green Cross. There will always be a 2.