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Whats Happening at RHS By Zach King, Marketing Manager Staff Writer. Non Traditional Options After High School. By Caitlyn Wagonfield, Staff Writer and Editor. October 5, 2. 01. Steve Jobs was legendary for knowing what he wanted and leaning on his designers until he got it. But according to a new book on the history of the iPhone, he. GMA/170519_gma_jarvis_0730_16x9_992.jpg' alt='Watch The Hatred Online Forbes' title='Watch The Hatred Online Forbes' />http As long as trolls are still trolling, the Rick will never stop rolling. Students grow up being told that they have to further their education after high school, but is a traditional college setting the only way to do that From the time a student enters school they begin to learn about the advantages of higher education. The Bureau of Labor Statistics released a recent study that stated people with higher educations have a higher pay grade. So what about the people that cant afford four years of college to obtain a bachelors degree Believe it or not there are other options out there, but students often only consider the ones that are more comparable to a traditional setting. Im thinking about going to Ohio University to do something in the medical field. I would consider other options because there is the option to go to trade school. You can still have a successful life by going to trade school and it takes less time, said freshman Gabbie Truman. One option other than college is to start your own business. This might sound like something you need a degree for, but there are many cases that show the opposite. Some of the most successful businesses have been created by people who didnt go to college. According to Business Insider, Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, is worth 5. Fashion designer Amancio Ortega, founder of Zara, is worth 6. Ortega never even attended college, unlike Gates who dropped out of Harvard. A second choice students might not consider is volunteering. Organizations like the Peace Corps pay people to volunteer. Not only does the Peace Corps pay people for their volunteer work, but they also pay for housing and travel, they provide medical benefits, and they can even help people further their education. According to www. Even though this isnt a traditional way of learning, students could still learn from this experience. Another option for students is joining the workforce. While this is sometimes seen as bad, it is important to know that students can find a good job without a college degree but it will take skill and determination. Some jobs include working for the postal service, being a real estate broker, transportation inspector, or a power plant operator. All of these jobs make above 5. College isnt for everyone, so students should assess all of their options before deciding what to do. If you want to see what other options are out there, talk to your counselor or do some research of your own. New Restaurant Ideas for Ross. By Luke Demeropolis, Staff Writer. October 5, 2. 01. Have you ever thought of restaurants that would be new to Ross A survey was put out for the student body to vote on what restaurants they would like to see in Ross. The list of fast food restaurant in the survey included Five Guys, Taco Bell, Raising Canes, Chipotle, Skyline, White Castle, Penn Station, and Chic Fil A. The Top three responses were Chic Fil A in first, Raising Canes in second, and Chipotle in third. Senior Logan Fields said, Well I love Taco Bell and theres really no good mexican style fast food places around here in Ross. I really wanted to pick Penn Station but we already have a subway. Chipotle is a mexican style restaurant, but the closest Mexican style fast food restaurant in Ross is Hot Heads. Fields also added,  Taco Bell is nice because its fast and cheap. Like I enjoy Hot Heads but its kind of expensive and I feel like its a rip off. Taco Bell is best because its cheap and affordable. Senior Joseph Stitsinger who voted for Chic Fil A said, Chic Fil A already draws a lot of Rossonians to its Colerain location and making closer to Ross certainly would attract more. Senior Andrew Grady, voted for Skyline said, I chose that one because Ive liked skyline since I was a little kid, but living out where I live, the closest skyline is half an hour away thats and hour round trip to get chili Now since skyline is moving to Ross its more like 2. Grady continues, I know a lot of people that really like skyline so not only do I think they will get received well in the community but I believe that they will have a positive impact on the community as well, for example it will bring more local jobs. The survey had many different results and the ideas are very unique. The talk of new restaurants could bring a change to Ross as an idea. What will be the next big thing for Ross The Stress of Fantasy Football By Zachary King, Staff Writer October 5, 2. What are the rush of thoughts and emotions that run through your mind when you see your fantasy teams star player collapse to the ground showing pain and agony Some would say its the worst feeling ever. Most people do not understand the seriousness and excitement of Fantasy Football or any fantasy sports. Fantasy sports are a head to head competition between other teams that are in your league. The way to win is completely based on how the players you drafted do in their real life games. For example for Fantasy Football, you can gain points for whenever your player or players score touchdowns or run a certain amount of yards in a game. Digimon Online Season 4 here. According to the. New York Post, a nationwide newspaper, approximately 7. The companys latest Spending Saving Tracker said 7. Americans plan to participate in Fantasy Football this year, spending 4. Jane Di Leo. According to a recent student survey, 6. Fantasy Football. Fantasy Football is a complete gamble because you never know if your first overall pick will be playing the rest of the game or even come back during the season. People may say that it is just too stressful or takes up too much time and money. Fantasy Football participant, senior Brock Tatum, drafted number one overall running back David Johnson, Arizona Cardinals star halfback. Now if you follow football, you may know who David Johnson is and how big of a fantasy player he is in all leagues. Sadly for Tatum, David Johnson was required to have surgery on his wrist after week 1 of the season and will be out for the next few weeks. I know the stress, because I drafted David Johnson first pick in one of my leagues, but luckily I had a good draft and I think my wide receivers and my other running backs will pick me up this year, said Brock Tatum. Plant Power. By Katie Ledford, Staff Writer and Editor. October 5, 2. 01. Oct. 1st is World Vegetarian Day. In a survey of 1. RHS students, only 3. However, vegetarianism has been increasing in popularity due to people trying to be healthier. Watch Ugly Betty Season 1 Episode 4 Online Free here. There are a variety of vegetarians. According to vegsoc. Lacto ovo vegetarians eat dairy and eggs, lacto vegetarians eat dairy but not eggs, ovo vegetarians eat eggs but not dairy, and vegans eat no animal products whatsoever. There are also different types of vegan diets. Vegetarians lack vitamins and nutrients. According to webmd. B1. 2 vitamins, calcium, iron, and zinc in their diets. B1. 2 is an important vitamin that is only naturally found in animal products. A lack of B1. 2 can lead to anemia and blindness. Due to this, vegetarians have to either eat B1. B1. 2 supplement. Also, according to vegsoc. Vegetarians have a different protein source. Since vegetarians dont get their protein from meat, they have to eat substitutions to make sure they still get the required amount. According to webmd. Certain types of vegetarians can get protein from eggs as well. There are famous vegetarians. According to happycow.