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Watch The Possession Dailymotion

Natural News exclusive Fukushima victim exposes Japanese governments attempted bizarre brainwashing of radiation victims. Natural. News The following is a first person account of the attempt by the Japanese government to brainwash victims of Fukushima radiation poisoning into believing radiation would not harm them if they simply smile. Natural News is the first U. S. news source to publish this account in English. The name of the original author is Uwamae Masako, who now lives in Taiwan after escaping Fukushima and leaving behind many friends and family members. As youll see below, the Japanese governments Fukushima Radiation Health Risk Advisor uses a hypnotic, droning speech pattern to try to convince his audience of absolutely bizarre quack science beliefs like people who drink arent affected by radiation or that laughter will remove your radiation phobia. What follows is a true, firsthand account. Im a mother who has two kids. I lived in Koriyama, Fukushima. Showtime Full Rango Online Free'>Showtime Full Rango Online Free. When the earthquake happened, I heard from the radio that the nuclear plant exploded. We cant go back to Koriyama anymore, was the first thought came to my mind. Sendai, where my husband worked, was not a safe place, either. Although the distance between the nuclear plant and Sendai is about 1. After the electric power was restored, we watched TV. A famous professor repeatedly talked about how the nuclear plant functioned, and our government also said that there was no direct effect, but I felt uneasy. Hundreds of mainstream movies and television series contain spanking scenes. These range from child spanking scenes in a domestic or school corporal punishment. The danger of the third reactor is different from others, because it generates power from MOX mixed plutonium and uranium oxide fuel. If the plutonium diffuses, it will be extremely dangerous it will make a lot of people die even if the diffuse amount is as little as one teaspoon. None of this information was reported on TV, so many Japanese didnt know it. I knew it only because I had a friend who was devoted to being against MOX fuel. KRWUl/640x360-3Qu.jpg' alt='Watch The Possession Dailymotion' title='Watch The Possession Dailymotion' />It was terrible that information like this couldnt be broadcast on TV, so I took my two kids to run away to my parents place Kyoto. Many people thought that as long as we stayed 1. US corporations actually asked for their people who were within 8. The Fukushima government had possession of the forecast chart of radiation levels in the air, but they didnt publish them. On the contrary, they held a speaking tour to advocate that there was no need to worry about radiation. Basic Rules Teamsnumber of players. Bones Season 2 Episode 7 Video. Two teams of maximum 12 players, with a maximum of five players of each team on the court at any time. Teams may make as many. MS13 Mara Salvatrucha also known as simply MS or Mara is an international criminal gang that originated in Los Angeles, California, US in the 1980s. France looked to be heading for a hardfought draw against World Cup qualifying Group A rivals Sweden but a stoppagetime rush of blood to the head of goalkeeper Hugo. The_Possession_2012/large-screenshot2.jpg' alt='Watch The Possession Dailymotion' title='Watch The Possession Dailymotion' />Unfortunately, I couldnt make my friends who lived there understand how dangerous it was. Many residents listened to the government, who claimed that people could live there without problems and enjoy outdoor activities as usual. Therefore, many residents gave up the idea of escaping from Fukushima and continued to live there. The expert Dr. Yamashita even said that radiation wouldnt affect happy people. Many people believed him, because he is from Nagasaki, which had suffered from the radiation of the atomic bomb. They thought that he should know more about radiation due to his background. However, the exposure to radiation is more complicated than you can imagine. The more serious problems included eating food that had been exposed to radiation. It was just like letting your internal organs be exposed to radiation. RLZVlY34UeDHOnLpcBO6hfjz.jpg' alt='Watch The Possession Dailymotion' title='Watch The Possession Dailymotion' />After the explosion, I came back to our home several times with a hat and mask. Even if I stayed there for a short time, I felt like I had a headache. Once I left there, I abandoned all the clothes and shoes I had been wearing. Before arriving at the refuge, I also washed my car. Three months after the explosion, my friend who lived there told me that many kids there experienced serious nosebleeds and other symptoms like incessant diarrhea, chest pain, recurrent headaches and more severe allergies. Their faces were as red as if they had been sunburned and their vision became poor. After the explosion, more and more residents got sick. Up to now, Ive had three Fukushima friends who died in the prime of life because of myocardial infarction. A junior high school student also died because of acute leukemia. The Japanese government didnt ask for local residents to evacuate, but instead paid them to dig, mow, cut down trees and clean buildings with water. These actions couldnt help much, because the contaminated soil was not removed, and when you burned the grass and trees, it resulted in radiation being transferred to smaller particles which then accumulated in the environment. Needless to say, many people died because they did the cleaning. It was a tough situation, because the key information was being concealed completely. Even now some people still dont understand. Some of them wanted to run away, but in the end they gave up due to disagreements between family members. Many couples divorced due to reasons like this. Some people felt they could do nothing and tried to escape from the reality. Also, many people didnt have money to move away. I gave up my friends and my job, even my home, because I knew no matter how cautious I was, I couldnt avoid coming into contact with contaminated water, land and air, so the only thing I could do was to be far away from my home. We finally came to Taiwan because contaminated food was everywhere in Japan, even in kids school lunches. The debris was transported to burn in Kansai. Kansai received compensation for this, but, at the same time, local residents were harmed. Japanese TV news deceived people, saying that the rising radiation levels were because of atmospheric pollution coming from China. I wanted to protect the lives and future of my children and myself, so I decided to move away from Japan. Everything can be regained, but lost lives cannot. I truly hope that Taiwan wont be like Japan. People need to have a greater understanding of nuclear power before they can make the right decisions and take proper action. Then we can protect our beloved family. In order to protect them, I would like to promote the idea of anti nuclear power to all Taiwanese. Natural News searched for and found the Japanese propaganda brainwashing video mentioned above. It is a video of Dr. Shunichi Yamashita now known as Dr. Brainwasher giving a propaganda lecture on March 2. Fukushima City. Click here to watch the video on Daily. Motion. com. A second video is found here http www. UOga. BUDFeb. 4This blogspot website has located and translated several key brainwashing phrases uttered by Dr. Yamashita as part of the Japanese governments propaganda campaign. The following statements span several online videos featuring Dr. Brainwasher. Each of these statements is a total propaganda fabrication. The comments in ALL CAPS are my own To tell you the truth, radiation doesnt affect people who are smiling. Only those who are worried. This has clearly been demonstrated by animal studies. HUHWHAH Drinking may be bad for your health, but happy drinkers are less affected by radiation. NO WAY GRAB ME A COLD ONE, WILL YA Laughter will remove your radiation phobia. COOL, CUZ IM LAUGHING ALREADY If you laugh, radiation wont get you. NOW I CAN SAFELY WORK AT A MAMMOGRAPHY CLINIC Internal exposure has 1. SO IF I EAT URANIUM, ITS SAFER THAN USING IT AS A SKIN WHITENING CREAM No effect on health below 1. UNLESS YOU ARE A MAMMAL Children can play outdoors. AS LONG AS YOU DONT MIND THEM DYING Adults over 2. Almost zero. UNLESS THEY HAPPEN TO STILL BE ALIVE. Men dont have to worry about radiation. All we need to do is protect women, children, infants. BECAUSE MEN CAN JUST DRINK BEER AND LAUGH A LOT TO HAVE FULL PROTECTION Not a problem if you continue to live here. Just wash your vegetables, thats all. YEAH, BECAUSE RADIATION IS WATER SOLUBLE, DIDNT YA KNOW If the radiation level is below 1. Watch Kurtlar Vadisi: Filistin Tube Free'>Watch Kurtlar Vadisi: Filistin Tube Free. Maxine Waters To Trump Get Ready For ImpeachmentHaving demanded Donald Trumps impeachment before he became President, called his cabinet scumbags, and slammed him for supporting Korea invading Putin it appears Maxine Waters is doubling down, tweeting today that its time to get ready for impeachment. As a reminder, Waters brought the crazy in January before President Trump had been inaugurated, going so far as to suggest that the nicknames Trump used against all his political opponents, even Republicans, were fed to him by Russia. If we discover that Donald Trump or his advocates played a role to help provide strategy if theyre the ones who came up with Crooked Hillary, if theyre the ones who came up with, shes ill, somethings wrong with her energy, and the way that he basically described her during the campaign I think that is something that would put the question squarely on the table whether or not he should be impeached. So, you think you can commit an impeachable offense before you take office Matthews probed further. Well, I think that at the point that investigations discover and confirm and can document any of that role in helping to strategize they had a role in attempting to determine the outcome, Waters said, not answering the question. She attempted further reasoning on the fly, again failing to deliver any logical conclusion In many ways they used the information they got when they hacked into emails etc. Hillary Clinton in some way, yes I think thats impeachable. Waters suggested. Matthews also suggested that Russian television was running a lot of propaganda that Hillary was mentally and physically impaired. That was their That was the propaganda message. Do you believe that Trump is somehow being held hostage by Vladimir Putin because of information on his behavior Matthews then asked, despite the fact that the story was revealed to be totally fake last week. You know, what we have heard, not in the classified briefing, but in this information about the dossier that has been collected by the man in London on him, Waters replied, It talks about some things that appears to ring true based on what we have learned about Trump. Thats right, MSNBC are STILL pushing fake news about Trump as if its real. In fact, Matthews himself admitted last week that the dossier was complete misinformation. Nevertheless, Waters continued to bring the crazy Ok, what I have learn or heard about the dossier, its about his involvement with women. Its probably prostitutes that are involved and those kinds of things. And he has sounded that way. He has acted that way, and it gives you reason to think maybe something is to this and we need to find out more. Congresswoman declared. The only thing that I am focused on is credible investigations to bring out the facts. If the facts are there, then I think we should move very quickly to do something about it. And if there was collusion, and any support for undermining our democracy, I think the president should be impeached, Waters said earlier this month. Ive said that, and thats where I stand. And today, following yesterdays confirmations that there is no evidence of President Trump or his teams collusion with any Russian officials, Democratic congresswoman Maxine Waters is not giving up on her cunning plan. As The Hill notes, doubling down on that call, Waters tweeted today. Does she know something that Comey and the rest of law enforcement in America does not Oh Californias 4.