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South Park Black Lives Matter Episode

South Park Black Lives Matter Episode

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South Park Black Lives Matter Episode

The Women Behind Black Lives Matter: . The courage heard in their voices mirrors some of history’s greatest giants, with sharp echoes of Rosa Parks. Black Lives Matter is working to heal our country’s age- long sickness. For when one is sick, so too are we all sick.

Only when all is healed might we all one day be well.” —Uzo Aduba, actress (Read Uzo Aduba’s comments in full at the end of this piece.)They were always worried about their brothers. Patrisse Cullors was 1. Los Angeles police handcuff and haul away her older brother without knowing why it was happening. Growing up in a Phoenix suburb, Opal Tometi, the daughter of Nigerian immigrants, was alarmed when her youngest brother started preschool and began to raise questions about his hair and skin color—questions she knew were triggered by societal messages about race. And Alicia Garza worried about her brother’s safety every day—but never so much as after July 1.

George Zimmerman, a neighborhood watch volunteer in Florida, was found not guilty in the shooting death of 1. Trayvon Martin. But as they mourned, they turned their sorrow and outrage into action, creating a powerful civil rights movement that, in just three years, has transformed the way Americans think and talk about race. Garza and Cullors had met at a conference for activists nearly a decade earlier. She ended with, “Black people.

Our lives matter.”Cullors, 3. Los Angeles–based organizer and artist, shared the posts on Facebook, spontaneously finishing her own post with #Black. Lives. Matter. Tometi, 3. Black Alliance for Just Immigration in New York City, saw the hashtag and reached out to Garza, whom she knew from the activist community, and volunteered to build a digital platform.“I felt a sense of urgency about the next steps we could take together to change the story,” Tometi says. Adds Garza: “We wanted to connect people who were already buzzing about all this stuff and get them to do something, not just retweet or like or share. We thought, How do we get folks together and take that energy and create something awesome?”With that, #Black. Watch Caught In A Cabaret Online. Lives. Matter—a rallying cry for a new generation—was born.

Given the facts of American history, it was all too predictable that Martin’s would not be the last widely reported killing of an unarmed black person. And when a new case hit the headlines—the August 2. Michael Brown, 1. Ferguson, Missouri, at the hands of a white police officer—Black Lives Matter roared into action to create a “freedom ride,” so protesters from around the country could get to Ferguson. The three women also made a key decision: To keep their group decentralized. Today the Black Lives Matter Global Network is a coalition of 4. The Chicago chapter, for example, helped oust the police superintendent after video footage of an officer shooting a black teenager was withheld for more than a year.

In addition to protesting racism and unlawful killings, Black Lives Matter groups have taken on inequality, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia.“We gave tongue to something that we all knew was happening,” Tometi says. But more than that, to offer an alternative. An aspirational message: Black lives matter.”Those local efforts have seeped into the national consciousness: Lady Gaga, Kerry Washington, and Jesse Williams all voiced support for the movement; in an essay for Wired, tennis great Serena Williams wrote, “To those of you involved in equality movements like Black Lives Matter, I say this: Keep it up.”In February, Beyonc. And in July, at the ESPY Awards, basketball stars Le. Bron James, Carmelo Anthony, Dwyane Wade, and Chris Paul together movingly called for an end to racial violence. PHOTO: Glamour. There have been critics, of course, who have responded with #All.

Lives. Matter and #Blue. Lives. Matter hashtags. But powerful voices have helped explain the issue: “When people say . It just means all lives matter,” President Obama said last summer. It’s just being an American, and wanting to live up to our best and highest ideals.”The CEO of AT& T lent support; so did Ben & Jerry’s with a letter to customers: “All lives do matter.

But all lives will not matter until Black lives matter. Friends and people who’d look out for you, who have your back, who inspire you but also challenge you. And you can rise together.”Collier Meyerson is a justice reporter at Fusion. Uzo Aduba on the founders of The Black Lives Matter Movement: I cannot think of a better time in our nation's history for the brave names of Alicia Garza, Patrice Cullors, and Opal Tometi, also understood as the founders of The Black Lives Matter Movement, to be known and recognized than during this year's Glamour Women of The Year. So often during a living history, a call to action is thought too monstrous an undertaking for its time, thought too great a cost on the lives of those called. The power of this lady- led legacy continue to ripple through today's Black Lives Matter Movement in the form of a simple cry breathing out: Enough is enough.

These are the champions of our great nation. This movement does the hard work of advancing culture, challenging the underpinnings of our imperfect society's hardest truths, with the hope of conquering injustices where fit, sacrificing so much for the collective good of an all too often forgotten people, so that we might, indeed, one day form a more perfect union. Black Lives Matter matters.

It is working to heal our country's age- long sickness. For when one is sick, so too are we all sick.

Only when all is healed, might we all one day be well.

Church Of Scientology Investigated 'South Park' Creators Matt Stone, Trey Parker: Report. For Matt Stone and Trey Parker, nothing is holy or immune to satire. And since the launch of their groundbreaking animated TV series .

One of their most famous religious satires, 2. Scientology- targeting . Through the help of informants, public records and various other means, they searched for . Bank records. Personal letters that expose some kind of vulnerability. Prescriptions. They'll figure out your diet. They can find out a lot about you through your trash.

Operations were run in an attempt to silence Parker and Stone. The vague test reveals that he is miserable, which leads him to agree to pay the church to make him happy again. Ron Hubbard, and various Hollywood celebrities who are members of the church flock to his home to help convince him to become their new leader. One of those celebrities included Tom Cruise, who locks himself in a closet, which was a clear allusion to various rumors about his sexuality. John Travolta, another member of the church, soon joined him in the closet. Stan's friends tell him that the religion is actually a cult, pointing out that Hubbard was a science fiction writer, though he at first refuses to believe it. Eventually, the Scientology elders reveal that the church is a for- profit con, calling their own religion .

Cruise's reps denied this, though the episode was indeed pulled. Stone and Parker, for their part, put out a satirical statement on the matter: ! Temporarily anozinizing our episode will NOT stop us from keeping Thetans forever trapped in your pitiful man- bodies. Curses and drat! You have obstructed us for now, but your feeble bid to save humanity will fail!

Hail Xenu!!! He was arrested in September, allegedly at the behest of the Church of Scientology, though charges were later dropped; the Voice reported then that the Church of Scientology was harassing him, in part because he practices the faith outside of the official Church. The show has cast Satan as the cowardly lover of Saddam Hussein, while Kyle, another of the four core children, comes from a very stereotypical Jewish family. Parker and Stone also created the Broadway show.